I had high hopes for this calendar as it is transparent, part of the desktop, and supposed to interface with Apple calendar. Exactly what I wanted.
It is possible that I have missed something, or that this doesn’t work with Yosemite. I believe that all I should need to do, to have interaction with Apple Calendar, is to use Preferences -> Schedule -> choose Apple Calendar. I have done this. There is no indication of anything from Apple Calendar appearing in this app. Sadly, the Desktop Calendar Plus remains a completely blank Calendar (except for the numbers on each day) on my desktop. So it feel like I just spent $7.99 to put nothing but numbers on my desktop… there is no practical functionality. As I had already accomplished “numbers in a calendar format” using Geek Tool, this is completely redundant and a waste of money.
not.quite.here about Desktop Calendar Plus, v1.2.11